Balkan Provimed (Mesterolone) 100 tab 50mg


Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals


  • Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
  • Active ingredient: mesterolone
  • Release form: 100 tablets of 50 mg
  • Country: Moldova

Balkan Provimed (Provimed) aromatase inhibitor for the course

Antiestrogens from the Moldovan company Balkan Pharmaceuticals occupy a special place in bodybuilding. With their help, athletes can avoid many of the side effects caused by estrogens. In particular, these include: gynecomastia, puffiness, acne, and more. Actually, that is why the number of those who seek to buy Balkan Provimed is growing so rapidly.

The active substance of the drug Mesterolone. Its action, for the most part, is aimed at suppressing estrogenic activity. However, it also has a number of other effects for which athletes appreciate it. Among them, improving muscle relief and increasing muscle hardness. To all this, the price of Balkan Provimed is considered quite low.

The aromatase inhibitor is produced in tablet form of 100 tablets of 50 mg. Most often, it is taken according to this regimen: 50 mg per day for men and 25 mg for women. With this in mind, one package of the drug is enough for a fairly long period. Also, it does not cause side effects and is absolutely harmless to the liver.

Action Balkan Provided

Some athletes do not recognize this drug as an antiestrogen. However, its effectiveness on the course remains undeniable. Therefore, many bodybuilders choose it. It helps to make muscles more prominent, and also increases the concentration of free testosterone in the blood.In addition, the low cost of Balkan Provimed becomes a pleasant bonus to everything that the drug does:

  • increases muscle stiffness
  • draws muscle relief,
  • raises libido and mood,
  • increases the potency
  • accelerates protein synthesis,
  • improves the condition of the blood.

Balkan Provimed take pre-competition times when low estrogen/high androgen levels are especially appreciated. This is especially useful when anabolics like Winstrol, Oxandrolone and Primobolan are used alone, as the androgenic activity of these drugs is relatively low. Balkan Provimed can supplement other androgens, and lead to an increase in muscle hardness and density. For women, half a 25 mg tablet will suffice.

Because it is such a strong androgen however, extreme caution should be taken with administration. Higher dosages of Balkan Provimed clearly have the potential to cause masculinization symptoms quite easily. For this reason, women rarely take more than one tablet per day, and limit their intake to four to five weeks. One tablet used in combination with 10 or 20 mg of Tamoxifen may even be more effective for muscle building, creating an environment in which the body is much more likely to burn excess body fat (especially in women's areas such as the thighs).

Therefore, Balkan Provimed is taken at the beginning of a steroid cycle and at the end after stopping the use of steroids, in order to eliminate possible problems with potency or a decrease in sexual interest. Balkan Provimed also contributes to the preservation of strength and muscle mass after the course.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you can buy Balkan Provimed in our online store.We provide our clients with high-quality pharmacology and qualified assistance. In addition, when making a purchase from us, you can be sure of the originality of AAS. Also, our specialists have sufficient experience to easily help you with any question. They will be able to calculate the dosage regimen for you or just pick the perfect remedy.


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