Balkan Parabolan (Trenbolone Hexa) amp 1ml


Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals

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  • manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
  • release form: 1ml in vial 100mg/ml
  • active ingredient: Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
  • country: Moldova
  • Activity: 16-18 days
  • Classification: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids (injectable)
  • Dosages: Men 500-1000 mg per week
  • Acne: Yes
    Water Retention: Negligible
  • High blood pressure: Yes
  • Hepatotoxicity : No data
  • Aromatization: No
  • DHT conversion: No
  • Suppression of HPTA function: Yes

Balkan Parabolan (Trenbolone Hexa) universal injections for strength and mass

Parabolan of the well-known Moldovan company Balkan Pharmaceuticals has long established itself in the market of sports pharmacology. This steroid is one of the few AAS that have a universal effect. In particular, bodybuilders, powerlifters and other athletes seek to buy Balkan Parabolan.

The main component of the anabolic is trenbolone hexahydrobenzyl carbonate. Like many AAS, it was originally used in veterinary medicine. However, in the end, after modernization, he found his application in heavy sports. Given the universal action, the price of Balkan Parabolan is acceptable to many. However, it must be taken with care. Also, it is not recommended for beginners and women.

Anabolic is produced in injectable form in ampoules of 1 ml. The drug is administered intramuscularly and is considered safer for the liver. However, if you do not follow the dosage and PCT, then negative consequences are possible. Among which aggressiveness, high blood pressure, insomnia and others.

Efficiency Balkan Parabolan

Parabolan is a fairly powerful steroid. Therefore, most often it is taken either by professional bodybuilders or amateur athletes. Moreover, the cost of Balkan Parabolan is fully justified. Depending on the combined AAS, the drug gives different effects:

  • significant muscle growth
  • increase in strength and endurance,
  • fat burning,
  • increased libido,
  • additional production of growth hormone,
  • water is not retained in the tissues.

If you buy Balkan Parabolan in our online store, you are guaranteed to receive a quality product. We provide customers with only original anabolics from the manufacturer. Also, our qualified specialists will always be able to help you with any question.


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