Zhengzhou Testesterone Propionate 100mg 10ml


Manufacturer: Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical

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AttentionA: In our store, products from Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical are protected by a special hologram on the packaging.

  • Manufacturer: Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical
  • Release form: 10ml vial 100mg/ml
  • Active ingredient: testosterone propionate
  • Country: China

Zhengzhou Testesterone Propionate Quality Competition Preparation

Testesterone Propionate is in demand by athletes around the world. Produced by the pharmaceutical company Zhengzhou Pharmaceuticals, the drug is suitable for beginners in heavy sports, as well as for experienced bodybuilders, weightlifters and powerlifters. It does not contribute to rapid weight gain, but it increases strength and removes excess fluid, due to which it is widely used before competitions and in drying courses.

Testosterone propionate has high androgenic and anabolic activity. The increase in mass on the course of this ether is insignificant, but it does not occur due to fluid retention. This means that after the end of the course, the rollback phenomenon practically does not appear.

You can also buy Zhengzhou Testesterone Propionate 100mg as a fat burner, because the steroid suppresses appetite and promotes the breakdown of fat cells for energy.

This ester is considered safe, but it is not recommended for women to take it due to its high androgenic activity.

The drug is available in ampoules and is intended for intramuscular injection. Due to the fact that it is water-based, the steroid begins to act faster than other testosterone esters.

Efficacy of Testesterone Propionate

Testosterone propionate from Zhengzhou has become quite popular among athletes, as it helps to effectively prepare for competitions and give muscles a beautiful relief. In addition, the drug does not cause side effects and is suitable for athletes with different levels of training.

Given the lack of rollback and the high effectiveness of the steroid, the price of Zhengzhou Testesterone Propionate 100mg is considered quite reasonable and affordable for most.

With proper administration of the drug, you can achieve the following results:

  • gain a small amount of lean muscle mass,
  • improve power characteristics,
  • develop endurance,
  • achieve rapid recovery of the body after exercise,
  • make the muscles more embossed and elastic,
  • reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat,
  • increase libido.

In our online store you can buy Zhengzhou Testesterone Propionate 100mg original production at an affordable price. If you have any questions regarding the drug, we will be happy to answer them.


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