Zhengzhou Testesterone Enanthate 250mg (Testosterone Enanthate) amp


Manufacturer: Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical

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AttentionA: In our store, products from Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical are protected by a special hologram on the packaging.

  • Manufacturer: Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical
  • Release form: 1ml ampoule 250mg/ml
  • Active ingredient: testosterone enanthate
  • Country: China

Zhengzhou Testesterone Enanthate U.S.P effective injections for strength and mass

Zhengzhou Pharmaceuticals proves that not everything made in China is bad. Many athletes actively use the company's products and speak positively about them. In addition, professional athletes especially appreciate it for its ability to quickly increase muscle mass.

This result is achieved due to the main component of testosterone enanthate. Ether allows you to retain sodium and water in the tissues, thereby increasing muscle volume. But at the same time, the accumulated result also quickly merges. However, Zhengzhou Testesterone Enanthate U.S.P is not uncommon for beginners who are eager for quick achievements.

The steroid has a fairly high androgenic index. Because of this, girls should refrain from taking it. Otherwise, consequences are possible in the form of a manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics. And because of the tendency to aromatize, athletes should combine it with antiestrogen. However, given the many positive properties of AAS, the price of Zhengzhou Testesterone Enanthate U.S.P is quite pleasant.

Testosterone Enanthate is produced in injectable form and is available in 1 ml ampoules. Due to this, it is activated almost immediately after the injection. Due to the oily base, its action is supported by one injection per week.With all this, it does not affect the functioning of organs, therefore it is considered safe for the body.

Effectiveness of Zhengzhou Testesterone Enanthate U.S.P

The steroid has gained popularity in the sports pharmacology market due to its many benefits. Athletes who took it not for the first time spoke positively about its temporary contraceptive effect. But basically the drug is aimed at other effects:

  • a significant increase in muscle mass,
  • strengthening the bone and circulatory systems,
  • growth of strength indicators,
  • acceleration of regeneration processes,
  • increased libido and general tone.

Many athletes, regardless of bodybuilding experience, have already appreciated the steroid and boldly recommend it to others. You can buy Zhengzhou Testesterone Enanthate U.S.P at a nice price in our online store. Here you will find only original products, and our experts will help you with the choice of AAS of the highest quality.


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