Magnus Halotest 10mg (Halotestin) 50 tabs


Manufacturer: Magnus Pharmaceuticals


  • Manufacturer: Magnus Pharmaceutical
  • Release form: 10mg 50tab
  • Active ingredient: Fluoxymesterone
  • Country: India

Magnus Halotest stiffness and relief

The Indian company Magnus Pharmaceutical is one of the leaders in the production of high-quality and safe sports pharmaceuticals. Its assortment includes many AAS, which have long been loved by athletes. Many athletes without hesitation prefer Magnus steroids, but most often the pros tend to buy Magnus Halotest.

The active substance of the drug is fluoxymesterone. It has a powerful anabolic and slightly less powerful androgenic effect. The effect of taking Halotest comes quickly, but it must be taken with extreme caution. For beginners, it is better to abandon Halotest in favor of weaker steroids. It is also not recommended for women to take it because of the possible androgenic side effects.

The rather high price of Magnus Halotest is due to the fact that the steroid is available in packs of 50 tablets with a dosage of 10 mg. In addition to positive effects, the course of Halotest can also bring side effects and adversely affect the state of the liver, so taking hepatoprotectors and PCT are mandatory.

Action Magnus Halotest

Professional athletes are not deterred even by the cost of Magnus Halotest, this steroid has proven itself so well in sports circles. Indeed, in its category, Halotest is considered one of the most effective, as it shows impressive results:

  • provides an increase in dry weight,
  • removes excess fluid from the body,
  • makes muscles stiff and elastic,
  • helps to achieve a deep rendering of the relief,
  • contributes to the development of strength indicators,
  • improves blood flow to tissues.

You can buy Magnus Halotest, as well as other steroids, peptides, growth hormones and PCT drugs in our online store. We offer customers only high-quality products from trusted manufacturers and are always ready to help with the choice of AAS and dosage calculation.


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