Magnus Drostanolone P (Drostanolone propionate) fl 100 mg/ml


Manufacturer: Magnus Pharmaceuticals


  • Manufacturer: Magnus
  • Release form: 10 ml in a vial of 100 mg / ml
  • Active ingredient: Drostanolone Propionate
  • Country: India

Magnus Drostanolone P – hardness and muscle density

The products of the Indian company Magnus Pharmaceutical in terms of quality can give odds to many manufacturers of sports pharmacology. In particular, her preparations for preparing for competitions are in demand. So, if you are planning a drying course, the best solution would be to buy Magnus Drostanolone P.

The action of the drug is based on the propionate form of drostanolone. This is a powerful steroid with high androgenic and moderate anabolic activity. Scientific studies show that it also has a pronounced antiestrogenic property, due to which it is suitable even for novice athletes, avoiding most of the side effects. It is noteworthy that the price of Magnus Drostanolone P remains quite affordable for many of the majority of bodybuilders.

The steroid is available in injectable form – 10 ml vials of 100 mg / ml. Best of all, the drug shows itself on a solo course when taking 400 mg per week. In this case, it is recommended not to increase the dosage, as this can lead to a pause in progress.

Action of Magnus Drostanolone P

Drostanolone propionate is highly valued in sports circles for the quick effect and affordable cost of Magnus Drostanolone P. However, the drug has earned particular popularity due to its multifaceted action:

  • improves muscle relief,
  • increases muscle density and rigidity,
  • burns subcutaneous fat and prevents new deposits,
  • inhibits aromatization,
  • does not retain water in tissues,
  • improves power characteristics.

In our online store you can buy Magnus Drostanolone P, as well as other steroids to achieve any sports goals. Our consultants are always ready to help with the choice of the drug and answer all your questions.


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