Canada Peptides Ipamorelin


Manufacturer: Canada Peptides

SKU: 125 Category:


  • Manufacturer: Canada Peptides
  • Release form: 5mg in vial
  • Active ingredient: 2nd generation GHRP
  • Office: Canada
  • Production facilities: China

Ipamorelin Belongs to the second generation of GHRP (growth hormone releasing peptide). It differs from the predecessors GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 in that Ipamorelin does not cause side effects (in the form of a strong feeling of hunger and an increase in prolactin and cortisol levels).

How Ipamorelin works:

Ipamorelin induces the secretion of growth hormone and mimics ghrelin in the body. As with GHRP-6, growth hormone release is associated with suppression of somatostatin and stimulation of growth hormone release from the anterior pituitary gland. Ipamorelin's unique properties include a greater stimulation of growth hormone (GH) production than other GHRPs, as well as selective GH production.

The main effects of Ipamorelin include:

  • Muscle growth and strength gains
  • Fat burning and sculpting
  • Anti-aging effect (improvement of skin and hair properties)
  • Strengthening immunity and bones
  • Liver protection and anti-inflammatory action

Instructions for use:

  • add 3 ml of water to the bottle with Ipamorelin, after wiping the rubber cap on the bottle with alcohol
  • use 100 IU insulin syringes.
  • use sterile water for injection (it is very important to observe sterility during injections, and during the preparation of the solution, since if bacteria enter the solution, they will simply eat the Ipamorelin peptide).


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