Balkan Turanabol (Turinabol) 10mg 100 tab


Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals

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  • Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
  • Release form: 10 mg 100 tabs
  • Active ingredient: Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone
  • Country: Moldova

Choose and order Turanabol without prepayment and at an affordable price, with delivery in Ukraine.

Balkan Turanabol (Turinabol) – a brief description

  • Activity: half-life about 16 hours
  • Classification: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids (Oral)
  • Dosages: Men 20-50 mg/day. Women 10-20 mg/day
  • Acne: No
  • Water Retention: No
  • High Blood Pressure: No
  • Hepatotoxicity: Low
  • Aromatization: No
  • DHT conversion: No data
  • Suppression of HPTA function: Minor

Balkan Turanabol 100 tablets – muscle growth in the shortest possible time

Turanabol has become one of the most popular products of Balkan Pharmaceuticals. This steroid is highly effective and is very close to methandrolone in its effect. But unlike it, the anabolic does not retain excess fluid in the bodybuilder's body because it has a modified molecular structure. Many athletes decide to buy "Balkan Turanabol 100 tablets" due to the fact that the drug allows you to quickly build high-quality muscle mass and gain cherished forms.

The composition of the drug includes turinabol, which has high anabolic properties, significantly exceeding even testosterone, and practically does not show androgenic activity. This avoids the appearance of such side effects as acne and gynecomastia.

"Turanabol" can be used both solo and in combination with other AAS. Beginners most often take it separately, in "pumped" bodybuilders – on a combined course.

The effectiveness of "Balkan Turanabol 100 tablets"

Despite its long existence, this steroid has retained its popularity among athletes from all over the world, because it is highly effective, allowing you to achieve the desired results many times faster than when taking other drugs. It is also characterized by almost complete security. Side effects can occur only in case of intolerance to individual components or in violation of the regimen.

An important property that encourages athletes to buy "Balkan Turanabol 100 tablets" is the absence of a rollback after the course. Another advantage of the anabolic is that it does not aromatize.

"Turanabol" has the following effect:

  • contributes to the growth of high-quality muscle tissue,
  • accelerates recovery after exercise,
  • gives the muscles a beautiful relief and makes them more rigid,
  • burns adipose tissue (secondary action),
  • increases strength,
  • prevents rollback.

In our online store you can purchase this drug at an affordable price. The high quality of the steroid, as well as the loyal price of "Balkan Turanabol 100 tablets" will make your purchase more enjoyable. And if you need professional advice, our staff is always at your service.


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