Vermodje Proviron-ver (Mesterolone) 100 tab 25mg

Manufacturer: Vermodje


  • Manufacturer: Vermodje
  • Release form: 100 tab 25mg
  • Active ingredient: Mesterolone
  • Country: Moldova

Description Vermodje Proviron-ver

Vermodje Proviron-ver is a drug based on synthetic testosterone ester. It is a steroid with moderate androgenic properties, without anabolic effect. For medical purposes, this drug can be used to normalize the condition of patients with insufficient production of natural testosterone. That is why most athletes who have resorted to taking proviron use it as a restorative agent, completing the course of anabolic steroid drugs that suppress the production of this hormone by the body.

The drug Vermodje Proviron-ver does not have any effect on the production of the male sex hormone, but, to one degree or another, it is able to compensate for its deficiency during the period of normalization of the functions of the reproductive system. Thus. the athlete manages to prevent potency disorders, temporary infertility, decreased desire and other problems caused by long-term use of drugs that contribute to a significant increase in muscle mass.

Proviron-ver (Mesterolone) is also an estrogen antagonist that helps reduce the risk of a number of side effects caused by high estrogen levels in an athlete's blood. Thus, it is advisable to use it in conjunction with steroid drugs with a high degree of aromatization.However, you should not expect that taking this drug will help maintain the weight gained, at the end of the course, or will show some other actions regarding weight gain and retention. Its purpose, in bodybuilding, is completely different.

Recommended dosage Vermodje Proviron-ver

It is necessary to take Proviron-ver, in strict accordance with the instructions and in compliance with all norms and regulations. At the same time, a very high efficiency of the substance is noted. For an experienced athlete, to achieve the desired result, it is enough to take only 50 mg. substances per day, dividing this dosage into two doses, 25 mg each. each. In the latter case, the reception must be carried out twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

It is allowed to take the drug in combination with Nolvadex, at the rate of: 50 mg. Vermodje Proviron-ver 20 mg Nolvadex per day. Thus, it is possible to almost completely suppress the aromatization of anabolic steroids and minimize possible side effects. Also, a very good result gives a reception: 50 mg. proviron and 500-1000 mg. fludestrin for a day.


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