MEZ Gonadotropin Chorionic 1000 IU


Manufacturer: Moscow Endocrine Plant


  • Manufacturer: Moscow Endocrine Plant
  • Release form: in a bottle 1000 IU
  • Active ingredient: Chorionic gonadotropin
  • Office: Russian Federation
  • Production facilities: Russian Federation

MEZ Gonadotropin Chorionic 1000 IU strong PCT agent

Steroids are of great importance in bodybuilding. Along with their many benefits, there remains the risk of unpleasant consequences. In particular, they can affect the sexual health of men. You can prevent the negative impact with the help of timely therapy. Therefore, athletes always try to buy MEZ Chorionic Gonadotropin 1000 IU in advance for correct PCT.

The names of the drug and the active substance are identical. The basis of hCG is characterized by long-term activity and a short half-life. After the injection, it continues to act for another 5-6 days. By its properties, it resembles luteinizing hormone. It also acts on the HH axis and stimulates the synthesis of sex hormones. In addition, it is useful for women's health. Separately, it should be said that the price of MEZ Gonadotropin Chorionic 1000 IU is the most favorable.

The drug is produced in injectable form in vials of 1000 IU. It is mainly used as part of rehabilitation therapy after long AAS. It normalizes the hormonal background and has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. It also shows no side effects when taken properly.

Benefits of MEZ Gonadotropin Chorionic 1000 IU

Bodybuilders who took hCG spoke positively about its action.Some athletes even noted a slight increase in quality muscles without a rollback. But using the tool for the purpose of gaining mass is ineffective. Also, athletes are attracted by the cost of MEZ Gonadotropin Chorionic 1000 IU and its many properties:

  • restores the work of the arc GHA,
  • enhances testosterone production in men,
  • increases the synthesis of progesterone in women,
  • normalizes spermatogenesis,
  • stimulates the development of the genital organs in men,
  • induces ovulation in women
  • prevents the risk of testicular atrophy.

You can buy MEZ Chorionic Gonadotropin 1000 IU in our online store of sports pharmacology. Also on our website you will find many other drugs for restorative PCT. You can choose the right tool for yourself or with the help of our specialists.


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