Magnus Tri-Trenbolone 200mg (Trenbolone Mix) fl 10 ml


Manufacturer: Magnus Pharmaceuticals

SKU: 434 Categories: ,


  • Manufacturer: Magnus
  • Release form: 10ml vial 200mg/ml
  • Active ingredient: Trenbolone Enanthate 100mg, Trenbolone Acetate 50mg, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 50mg
  • Country: India

Magnus Tri-Trenbolone Powerful Steroid for Strength and Mass

Magnus Pharmaceutical over the years of its work have achieved recognition among athletes. The company markets steroids for various purposes, however, drugs for gaining muscle mass without water retention are in special demand among the entire line. That is why more and more athletes are seeking to buy Magnus Tri-Trenbolone.

The action of this drug is based on a mix of three esters of trenbolone acetate, enanthate and hexahydrobenzyl carbonate. Each component has a different half-life, which prolongs the activity of the anabolic in the body and reduces the frequency of injections. Despite the fact that trenbolone is considered one of the most powerful products in its category, the price of Magnus Tri-Trenbolone remains very affordable.

This steroid is available in 10 ml vials with a dosage of 150 mg/ml. It is necessary to administer the drug intramuscularly: the frequency of injections and dosage is determined individually. Take trenbolone carefully, and after the end of the course, you must also undergo a PCT.

The effect of Magnus Tri-Trenbolone

The democratic cost of Magnus Tri-Trenbolone often attracts the attention of beginners, but the drug itself is only suitable for bodybuilders who already have experience in taking sports pharmaceuticals. Trenbolone is also not suitable for girls due to its high androgenic activity. However, Tri-Trenbolone shows excellent results on the course:

  • noticeable increase in lean muscle mass,
  • improvement in strength indicators,
  • accelerated recovery after training,
  • slight fat burning effect,
  • improved metabolism,
  • decrease in the level of cortisol in the blood.

In our online store you can buy original Magnus Tri-Trenbolone at an affordable price. We ship goods throughout Ukraine, and are always ready to help with the choice of a steroid and dosage calculation.


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