Magnus Test-E (Testosterone Enanthate) fl


Manufacturer: Magnus Pharmaceuticals

SKU: 480 Categories: ,


  • Manufacturer: Magnus
  • Release form: 10 ml in a vial of 250 mg / ml
  • Active ingredient: Testosterone Enanthate
  • Country: India

Magnus Test-E weight and physical growth

Quite a lot of quality steroids are produced in India today. Among them, Magnus Pharmaceutical products deserve special attention due to their high quality and proven effectiveness. So, for a quick set of muscle mass, you can buy Magnus Test-E, which is suitable for bodybuilders with different sports experience.

The active substance of the drug is testosterone enanthate. Among all testosterone esters, it is enanthate that allows you to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. Due to 100% anabolic and androgenic activity, the steroid demonstrates a lot of positive properties for athletes. Among them are non-obvious: accelerated protein synthesis and rapid tissue regeneration. But even with high efficiency, the price of Magnus Test-E remains quite budgetary.

It is worth noting, however, that the phenomenon of rollback after the end of the course comes as quickly as the effect of taking ether. In addition, it is prone to aromatization, which means that it is necessary to take antiestrogens in parallel with it.

Anabolic is available in 10 ml vials of 250 mg / ml and is intended for intramuscular injection. The oiliness of the ether allows injections only once a week, but the exact dosage must be calculated individually.

Effect of Magnus Test-E

Increasingly, athletes for rapid weight gain are opting for this AAS. Nevertheless, the cost of Magnus Test-E remains quite affordable. In addition to the main action, the ether is characterized by:

  • a surge of strength and increased stamina,
  • increased appetite,
  • acceleration of metabolic processes,
  • stimulation of the regeneration of muscle fibers,
  • increased libido.

In our online store you can buy Magnus Test-E, as well as other steroids and PCT drugs. If you have any difficulties with the choice of AAS and dosage calculation, our specialists are always ready to help.


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