Magnus Test-C (Testosterone Cypionate) fl


Manufacturer: Magnus Pharmaceuticals

SKU: 479 Categories: ,


  • Manufacturer: Magnus
  • Release form: 10 ml in a vial of 250 mg / ml
  • Active ingredient: Testosterone Cypionate
  • Country: India

Magnus Test-C injections for strength and muscle mass

Choosing sports pharmacology, athletes often focus on the effect of the drug and its half-life. In general, bodybuilders opt for longer-term AAS to avoid frequent injections, while getting a high-quality and lasting effect. So it is not surprising that many people decide to buy Magnus Test-C, which has all the listed properties.

The active ingredient of the drug is testosterone cypionate, which is characterized by equally strong androgenic and anabolic effects. This explains both a significant increase in mass and an improvement in strength indicators on the course. But thanks to the oily base, the ether has a long half-life, providing a long-lasting effect from the intake. Interestingly, with all the positive qualities, the price of Magnus Test-C remains affordable for most athletes.

This steroid is available in 10 ml vials of 250 mg/ml. It is administered intramuscularly, the frequency of injections is calculated individually. But it is worth noting the tendency of the ether to aromatize, which requires the parallel intake of antiestrogen.

Properties Magnus Test-C

Cypionate is actively used by bodybuilders, because its properties are superior to some other testosterone esters, allowing you to achieve the desired results. Nevertheless, the cost of Magnus Test-C is quite low and does not differ too much from analogues.Although the main effect of the steroid is weight gain, athletes also use it to solve other problems:

  • development of strength and endurance,
  • acceleration of regeneration processes,
  • strengthening bone and muscle tissue,
  • metabolism stimulation.

You can buy original quality Magnus Test-C in our online store. If necessary, our managers will help you choose everything you need for the course and PCT.


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