Magnus Drostanolone E (Masteron Enanthate) 10 ml


Manufacturer: Magnus Pharmaceuticals


  • Manufacturer: Magnus Pharamceuticals
  • Release form: 10ml vial 200mg/ml
  • Active ingredient: Drostanolone Enanthate
  • Country: India

Magnus Drostanolone E Relief and hard muscles

To achieve sports goals and find the body of their dreams, athletes periodically resort to the use of sports pharmaceuticals. Moreover, they willingly give preference to drugs from Magnus Pharmaceutical, since its line contains high-quality steroids for any purpose. So, if you need to quickly dry your muscles, the easiest way is to buy Magnus Drostanolone E.

The active substance of the drug is masteron enanthate, which is actively used in sports circles due to its properties. However, the main advantage of the steroid is the absence of aromatization, which avoids the development of gynecomastia, acne and other androgenic side effects. It is noteworthy that at the same time the price of Magnus Drostanolone E is not too different from its counterparts.

The steroid is available in 10 ml vials with a dosage of 200 mg/ml. It must be administered intramuscularly, due to which it is possible to avoid a negative effect on the liver. Girls are not recommended to take the drug.

Efficacy of Magnus Drostanolone E

Athletes speak positively about this drug, noting its proven effectiveness and reasonable cost of Magnus Drostanolone E. You can also often hear about an increase in endurance and tone during training. However, in addition to the above, AAS has other effects:

  • contributes to the deep drawing of the muscular relief,
  • makes the muscles more rigid and elastic,
  • activates fat burning at the cellular level,
  • increases the indicators of physical strength,
  • inhibits catalytic processes,
  • removes excess fluid from the tissues.

You can buy Magnus Drostanolone E and other sports pharmaceuticals at an affordable price in our online store. If you need help in choosing a steroid and calculating the dosage, our managers are always ready to answer all your questions.


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