Canada Peptides DSIP Sleep Stimulator


Manufacturer: Canada Peptides

SKU: 284 Category:


  • Manufacturer: Canada Peptides
  • Release form: 2mg in vial
  • Active Ingredient: Delta Sleep Inducing Protein (DSIP)
  • Office: Canada
  • Production facilities: China

Description of Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide (DSIP)

Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide, DSIP (or Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide) is a substance that has a hypnotic effect. According to its chemical structure, it is a peptide substance consisting of 9 amino acids. Unlike other drugs that have a pronounced hypnotic effect and are made on the basis of substances that are foreign to our body (aldehydes, ethanolamines, barbiturates, etc.), Canada Peptides DSIP Sleep Stimulator has a very mild, modulating effect. It belongs to a new class of hypnotics, the development of which is currently considered highly promising. These substances in their structure resemble the substances that regulate sleep and are naturally produced in the human body, and therefore are more effective and safer. It is believed that drugs based on these substances may in the future have such beneficial effects as a complete cure for insomnia and other diseases.

Effects of taking DSIP (delta sleep peptide):

  • high degree of protection in stressful situations and improvement of the body's adaptive mechanisms
  • improvement of mental activity and physical performance
  • relieve depression and seizures
  • sleep normalization
  • analgesic and antitoxicant effects
  • improvement in vegetative disorders
  • strengthening the body's resistance to the development of tumors and the formation of metastases (oncoprotector, antimetastatic)
  • improving the stability of the heart muscle
  • reduction in the development of damage to the cardiovascular system against the background of stress
  • improvement of the functions of the central nervous system under stressful conditions and with increased loads
  • stimulation of the production of hormones: LH (luteinizing hormone), somatoliberin and growth hormone
  • reduced cravings for alcoholic beverages and psychoactive substances
  • reduction of manifestations of the withdrawal syndrome (with the cessation of alcohol and opiate use) It is taken 1-3 hours before bedtime.

How to take Canada Peptides DSIP Sleep Stimulator:

DSIP is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly 1-3 hours before bedtime. The effective dosage varies between 200-750 mcg. We provide more detailed information on dosages by phone (for this you need to buy DSIP in our store).

Studies have not identified side effects and contraindications to taking DSIP. This peptide can be combined with the intake of any other peptides and drugs, which allows you to enhance their effect.

Side Effects of Canada Peptides DSIP Sleep Stimulant

Side effects at observance of the recommended dosages were not revealed.

How to store Canada Peptides DSIP

It is necessary to store DSIP in a refrigerator at a temperature of +2C – +7C, and an already diluted vial at a temperature of 0C – +2C.


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