Zhengzhou Metenolone Enanthate (Methenolone Enanthate) 1 ml


Manufacturer: Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical


  • Manufacturer: Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical
  • Release form: Ampoule 1 ml, 100 mg/ml
  • Active ingredient: Methenolone Enanthate (methenolone enantate)
  • Country: China

Zhengzhou Metenolone Enanthate (Methenolone Enanthate) is ideal for both novice athletes and experienced bodybuilders

Zhengzhou Metenolone Enanthate allows you to achieve a qualitative increase in lean muscle mass.

The active substance is dissolved in oleate, which, in turn, helps to increase the period of action of the drug itself. During the course of injections of Zhengzhou Metenolone Enanthate, the muscles, in addition to increasing their volume, will be dry and embossed. There will be no visible deposits of accumulations of excess fluid in the muscles.

Rajai Methenolone Enanthate (or Methenolone Enanthate) is an anabolic steroid based on dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is used by people who are very sensitive to estrogenic side effects. The drug has lower estrogenic effects than, for example, nandrolone.

Zhengzhou Metenolone Enanthate does not have a flavoring effect, so it is safe from estrogenic effects.

The Zhengzhou Metenolone Enanthate course does not suppress the body's own testosterone production. Zhengzhou Methenolone Enanthate is recommended for athletes preparing for competitions. Ideal for pre-preparation.

The standard dosage of Zhengzhou Methenolone Enanthate is 75-150 mg per day. Ideal to combine with non-aromatizing agents such as Halotest, Masteron, Boldenone, Testosterone Propionate or Trenbolone. In this case, an optimal correspondence between the amount of muscle mass and its quality is achieved.


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