EPF Turhoged 10mg (Turinabol) 50tab



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  • Manufacturer: Euro Prime Pharmaceuticals
  • Release form: 50tab 10mg
  • Active ingredient: chlordehydromethyltestosterone
  • Country: China

In our store, a wide range of high-quality pharmacological products, you can consult with our experts and buy turinabol without prepayment, with delivery in Ukraine.

EPF Turhoged 10mg 50 tablets rapid muscle gain

EPF Turhoged is in high demand among athletes, as it allows you to build high-quality muscles in a short period of time and significantly improve your physical performance. The drug is produced by the well-known pharmacological company Euro Prime Farmaceuticals.

The main component of this medication is turinabol, known to many bodybuilders, which, with high anabolic activity, practically does not cause androgenic side effects.

You can buy EPF Turhoged 10mg 50 tablets both for taking on a solo course and for combining with other AAS for a more powerful effect. Anabolic is available in tablets with a dosage of 10 mg. It is very popular among both experienced athletes and beginners who strive to achieve the cherished forms.

An important feature of the steroid is its safety, because if the regimen is followed, it does not cause side effects.

Effectiveness of EPF Turhoged 10mg 50 tablets

Euro Prime Farmaceuticals not so long ago brought its products to the domestic market of sports pharmacology, but this did not prevent it from achieving success. In many ways, this was facilitated by the effectiveness of EPF Turhoged, because it was this drug that brought fame to the company.

The steroid allows you to quickly build up dry muscle tissue and acquire the desired relief body. In addition, it accelerates recovery after training, increases strength and endurance. Considering this, the price of EPF Turhoged 10mg 50 tablets is quite reasonable.

Taking anabolic allows you to achieve the following effect:

  • quickly gain muscle mass without water retention,
  • increase strength,
  • make muscles more rigid and embossed,
  • prevent rollback phenomenon due to anti-catabolic properties,
  • accelerate the recovery of the body,
  • burn subcutaneous fat.

You cannot buy EPF Turhoged 10mg 50 tablets in pharmacies, but you can purchase the original drug in our online store at an affordable price. We guarantee the high quality of the steroid and compliance with the necessary storage conditions. If you need professional advice, our staff will be happy to help you.


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